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Welcome To The Collective

Foxy Film Collective is a community of womxn and non-binary filmmakers sharing in the grit & glory of filmmaking. Our goal is to spotlight women and non-binary filmmakers in the Portland film community and beyond, as well as educate on the history of filmmaking through our podcast. From clear and concise information on production, pre-production, and the full process of filmmaking to advocacy work on film sets. We work to arm filmmakers at any level to with good information on how to build their projects by sparking conversations on the important stuff.


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Film History

Women have played a crucial role in the development and evolution of film throughout history. Despite facing numerous challenges and systemic biases, women have made significant contributions as directors, producers, writers, cinematographers, and actors. From trailblazers like Alice Guy-Blaché, who directed one of the first narrative films, to contemporary filmmakers like Kathryn Bigelow, who became the first woman to win the Best Director Oscar, women have defied the odds and shattered glass ceilings. Their unique perspectives and storytelling abilities have enriched the cinematic landscape, bringing diverse narratives and empowering female characters to the forefront of the silver screen. Although there is still progress to be made in achieving gender equality in the film industry, women continue to inspire and pave the way for future generations of filmmakers.

Changing the perspective.

Coming soon

Image by Matthew R. Dix

All the kits you'll ever need.

Psssst.... Have a question? Need a flow on pre-pro? A doc? A contract? Here's all the kits you'll ever need. And if we don't have it- shoot us a DM and we'll find it for you.

Coming Soon...


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The Podcast

To say someone is “crazy like a fox” means that beyond all reason or hope or even circumstance they are the most clever person in the room. That they are going to finish what they started beyond all odds. And that they preservere.


Crazy Like a Fox- Podcast delves into the pivotal moments in film history where seemingly foolish endeavors defied industry norms. Through a podcast format blending video and sound, we unfold the captivating stories of trailblazing women who challenged the barriers in the male-dominated film industry.

Coming soon...

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like a fox


Image by pawel szvmanski

Get Featured

Gatekeeping in the film industry has historically served as a significant barrier for women, limiting their access and opportunities within the field. Let us be the first place to showcase your work, publish you, and hype you up! 

Our new zine is coming soon! DM us to get your newest work showcased!

See Project >>

Foxy Film

Film History
Ungatekeeping Information

Mentoring the Future

Foxy Film
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